Environmental Justice & Public Health

Too many Washington communities face high levels of pollution, lack economic opportunity, and are overlooked in decisions that affect their lives. Leaders must craft solutions to deliver equitable outcomes. We also need decision-making systems that center those most at risk of harm and allow easy access to voting to elect leaders of their choice to advance the solutions communities need.


Systems for Equitable Solutions

The state must prioritize data-driven assessments on health disparities, listen to communities, and adopt solutions people need.

  • Provide solutions that ensure housing is affordable, safe, and located near critical services such as food, transportation, and healthcare

  • Invest in and promote rural economic development opportunities that keep economic gains local, rather than going to out-of-state corporate interests


  • Integrate environmental justice and equity principles and review processes to all policies and decision making efforts, including ensuring access for people to decision-making processes in culturally appropriate ways to obtain solutions they want and need


  • Pass and implement the Healthy Environment for All (HEAL) Act, to add an equity lens to all policies and include people in decision-making in culturally appropriate ways to obtain solutions they want and need


Voting Justice & Representation

The health of our democracy is critical to our future. Elections should be fair and transparent so every community can elect leaders of their choice.

  • Support communities by reducing barriers to voting, improving transparency, and reducing corporate influence in elections…


  • … as well as working to expand access to more of your community 

  • Encourage community engagement in the redistricting process and advocate for the continual review of how fair and representative your communities electoral boundaries are


  • Ensure redistricting is fair, inclusive, and transparent

  • Restore voting rights for people in community custody